Why Grilled Cheese with Tomato Soup? I'm not really a chicken soup for the soul kind of girl. For me, the ultimate comfort food is grilled cheese and tomato soup. Takes me back to my childhood, warms the tummy, AND I can make it in about 7 minutes.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Some Thoughts on Election Day 2016

1. Social Media is a horribly divisive thing.  I am sure for centuries there have been differing political views in families and friend circles and churches.  But people are now “saying” things out loud, online, that they would never vocalize in person.  Unfortunately I don’t think Believers in Christ look much different than the rest of the world in this area.  If you truly want to reach people who are lost and you openly support a candidate and bash the opponent, you have just lost the respect and possibly the ear of half of the people who read your posts.

2. I am so confused by this whole feminist thing.  So many people seem to be voting for Hilary based on her gender.  I get it…..many people also voted for Obama based on his race.  But why are women suddenly being viewed as oppressed?  In America?  Really?  I must be totally blind, because things seem pretty even to me.  I can’t help but wonder what women in three-fourths of the world, who are TRULY oppressed, think when they see American women claiming to be feminists and talk about being oppressed.  It’s embarrassing.

3. Ultimately I had to base my vote on something.  Honestly, until about a week ago I didn't think I could cast a vote for either person.  As much as I could, I pulled the personalities of the candidates aside and chose the person who I believe will lead the country in the best direction.  You will not see me post who that person is on facebook or twitter or even on this blog, (which I'm not even sure anyone reads.)  I'm smart enough to know that proclaiming who I choose is not going to influence others to do the same.  And I am choosing to love people rather than divide people.

I didn’t vote for our current president, and I didn’t agree with most things he did while in office.  But I still had a level of of respect for him.  It’s probably the way I was brought up to respect those in authority.  I cringed inwardly when I was around people who bashed him.  Whether the person I voted for wins tonight or not, the president is the president.  I was born into, and have chosen to remain in, a country where the people choose.  And most importantly, God is always good,