Why Grilled Cheese with Tomato Soup? I'm not really a chicken soup for the soul kind of girl. For me, the ultimate comfort food is grilled cheese and tomato soup. Takes me back to my childhood, warms the tummy, AND I can make it in about 7 minutes.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Fight Is Bigger Than You Think

The Fight Is Bigger Than You Think!

It feels like we are all in this battle against this tiny, yet powerful molecule which can cause us to get really sick.  I think most people would define winning your individual battle in this way:  

1. Avoid catching coronavirus, or
2. Recover if you do catch coronavirus. 

But I think it is MUCH bigger than this.  I think corona can win in some other pretty significant ways too.

  • If you come out of this season, physically unhealthier than when it started.  I think people are choosing to cope with the stress by turning to unhealthy things: junk food, alcohol, the couch to name a few.  I know we don’t have access to things like gyms and sports.  I know we have more downtime.  I know my kitchen with my favorite foods is steps away from my current office.  But it all comes down to choices that we make, literally hundreds of times every day.
  • If you didn’t deal with the anxiety.  Face it, we were all at least a little bit shaken by this.  Maybe it had direct impacts on your life, maybe it was a huge loss or lots of little losses, maybe it was just a daily feeling of insecurity and fear of the future.  The most important question is ‘What did you do about the anxiety?’  Did you let it cripple you and basically shut out the world?  Did you ‘suck it up’ because others probably had it worse than you?  Did you squash it with unhealthy habits? (see #1)  OR….Did you identify what you were feeling and process through it?  Did you talk about it with others who love you?  Did you talk to God about it?  If the anxiety was really big, did you seek out professional help?
  • If you didn’t take advantage of some unique opportunities.  Here is a list of just some of the opportunities that might have come your way:
    1. More time with your immediate family
    2. More time to do things like read, resume or start a new hobby, etc.
    3. More $$.  If your income was not impacted, chances are that your spending went way down.
    4. More needs around you
Soooo, basically you have more time and more money.  And you are surrounded by people who are struggling either emotionally or financially.  You have a unique opportunity to love and serve people like you have never loved and served them before!  
  • If you didn’t spread hope.  Some things have spread even quicker the past weeks than Corona and those things are rumors, false facts, fear and panic.  Right now, people are listening more…to the news, to press conferences, to social media and to each other.  When people heard you speak or read your words, did they hear fear or hope?  As Christians, we are carriers; not of a disease, but of the greatest hope of all time!  During this season, people were literally starving for hope.  Did you give it to them?

I believe this is all going to end eventually.  Many parts of it will fade from our memories.  2020 will be that year when for the whole world, time was basically paused.  But for you, who won?  Did you REALLY beat the virus?