Why Grilled Cheese with Tomato Soup? I'm not really a chicken soup for the soul kind of girl. For me, the ultimate comfort food is grilled cheese and tomato soup. Takes me back to my childhood, warms the tummy, AND I can make it in about 7 minutes.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

No Joke. It's War.

War: a state of hostility, conflict, or antagonism; a struggle or competition between opposing forces or for a particular end. (Merriam-Webster)

Can someone be engaged in a war and not even know it? Or more specifically, can CHILDREN be engaged in a war every day and their parents are totally oblivious? They absolutely can! My kids are, and many of your kids are too.

I have a confession. I am a snoop. I am on Twitter and Facebook most every day. I am friends with (FB) and follow (Twitter) many of my girls’ friends. Yeah, they are not always crazy about it. But if people are going to throw things out on the World Wide Web (emphasis on the world-wide), (1) I don’t think I am invading anyone’s privacy, and (2) aren’t we supposed to love and protect our children the best we can?

As a parent, I have control over where my kids spend their free time. And for the most part, I have control over who they spend time with. I can keep them from seeing certain movies and going to parties where I think inappropriate things will be happening. I can say no to “time alone” dates and I can set curfews. And we do all of these things to some extent. But....we cannot insulate our kids in a bubble and the world they live in at school and on-line and elsewhere is nothing short of a war. I feel like my kids’ circle of friends is gradually shrinking (mostly by their good judgment) because of what so many kids are doing.

When I was in school, there was a small group who lived “on the wild side.” Drugs, drinking, sex....but they were looked down on by the VAST majority. I am convinced that somewhere in the last 20 years, this has flipped. Kids who do these things are everywhere and their activities are celebrated around the lunch table on Monday. Walk through the hallways at class change time at the high school and you will be shocked at the language you hear all around you! Look up kids on Twitter and see what they are saying. I am amazed how many parents do not follow their kids on social media sites! You simply need to go as far as a Friday night football game to observe the current teen culture and just how far things have gotten.

My point is this: If parents became aware of the war that is going on every single day, and the things that are fighting for our kids’ hearts, they would engage in the battle and arm our children (yes, a 16 or 17 year old is still a child). There is hope! And I am not even going to take the God argument (I know, surprised aren’t you?) this time. I believe that most parents, Christian or non-Christian, would parent differently if they were aware of what is going on.

Come on! Wake up.....get involved....don’t assume high school is the same as when we were there....snoop a little....talk to your kids---they will tell you. Above all, be a parent and do everything within your power (and then some!) to launch a well-grounded, responsible, confident, adult into the world. Again, Come on!!

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