Why Grilled Cheese with Tomato Soup? I'm not really a chicken soup for the soul kind of girl. For me, the ultimate comfort food is grilled cheese and tomato soup. Takes me back to my childhood, warms the tummy, AND I can make it in about 7 minutes.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hard stuff to get right....

Is it just me or is this REALLY, REALLY hard?

I am thinking of some situations where I want to pray for a specific outcome in those situations. Yet I know that in these situations, I need to be praying for God’s will and not “Beth’s choice.” It is easy to say or think the words (God’s will) when I am talking to God about it. It’s how I know I am supposed to be praying. But internally I still continue to hope for the outcome that I want!

Why is this such a struggle? As I think about it, it could be one of a couple of possibilities...

  1. I am selfish. I want what I want and I don’t want to have it any other way.
  2. I think I know best....even better than God. By me saying this is the outcome I want to happen, rather than what ever God’s plan is...I am saying I have more faith in my plans and directions than in God’s.

Aren’t these both the foundation of pretty much all sin? Whether it is in the actions we take or the words we speak to others or even in our speaking to God. It’s like we really do believe in God, but we think we can use Him to our advantage by praying for things to go the way we think they should. It’s like He exists more for us than we exist for Him. That is not the way it should be and I know it intellectually. But living that way and praying that way is h-a-r-d!

I want to get better at praying for God’s will in everything. And I don’t just mean saying the words to Him but really believing that whatever outcome happens, it is all part of His plan and it really IS best.

One situation at a time.....I am going to try harder to get this right.

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