Why Grilled Cheese with Tomato Soup? I'm not really a chicken soup for the soul kind of girl. For me, the ultimate comfort food is grilled cheese and tomato soup. Takes me back to my childhood, warms the tummy, AND I can make it in about 7 minutes.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Random, but amazing.

This is going to sound random. Okay, sometimes my mind wanders and I just think about something for awhile. Tonight I was thinking about my brain. Brains are sooo weird! Here is this mass of cells that grew and developed over time. And the very idea that it allows me to think and dream and ponder things is simply crazy! I mean I studied some anatomy in college and learned all the basic physiology and chemistry of how things function in there with neurons and synapses and transmitters. But that still doesn’t explain the complex levels of human thought. The fact that I can learn a language or read music or do math or ANYthing for that matter, is nothing short of amazing.

Okay, now here is the really crazy thing. God totally knows every single thing that is going on in my brain!!! WHAT?!??!?! Every thought, good or bad is totally known by Him. Aside from the consequences of that, it is so incredible that Someone has that ability. AND have 100% access to everyone’s brain 24/7. We think it is crazy in movies when people can enter each other’s dreams or implant fake memories. Yet, most people never fully marvel at what God can do and does.

My real question is this: How can people truly grasp how amazing something like the brain is and then not see that only God is capable of creating something so marvelous? Really?? Evolution could lead from some primordial goop to the human brain of today? That requires so much MORE faith than simply believing in God, in my opinion.

AND, this is just one thing. I think you could think about almost anything else in creation, and come to the same conclusion.

I told you I am being random tonight....

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